The good features we gathered from European practice and intend to install in our school

Sarris Panagiotis

1. The practice of data entry, database and archiving

Entering the workplace in the specific program the adults should be evaluated concerning the existing skills according to their vocational training. This could be the entry-based data which during the education period the trainees can achieve the personal improvements. Completing the program the educators can overview the possible step by step development of the different parts of their skills and abilities. Creating the data base, the trainers will have the possibilities to control the personal development of each trainee and at the same time to use the data bridge to share the information between them. The assistive technology will solve the issue using the application programs. For data entry, data base and archiving the application program will monitor the necessary information concerning personal abilities and skills of each individual and their development during the educational period. The second application program -data bridge is important for internal use, connection and exchange the trainers’ opinion and achieving the solutions to improve the trainees’ skills.

2. On line interactive teaching

On line interactive teaching daily lessons platform mainly designed for short or long term absent students. Adults with disability who absent will obtain theoretical and some practical explanations for particular specialty. This issue is important because the students are informed for the daily lessons and they aren’t isolated from the learning process. Through the school site every adult could achive the platform. Using his personal password and student number the individual can read the daily lesson of particular workplace or watch the practice exercise. For this reason every workplace should have a backup platform including notes, photos, videos and audio recorder file with subtitles ( for the deaf students). The platform should be update every day. To make the  realization of the project obviously every workplace should be equiped with computer, printer, scanner, video camera, free wi-fi connection and projector and appropriate application program.

To start up the projects above apart the technical equipment the execution needs all the systems including hardware, software, applications,interactive communication, powerful wi-fi possible to support the realization of the project. The platform will give the opportunity to advertise the articuls produced in the school workplaces and promote them with e-shop sells. In that particular way the activities and specialities will be advertise and any company Greek or International can employ the adults with disabilities. The further goal of the project is to establish the program ready to make integration with other schools and providing them the know-how.

3. Integration in the labor market for disabled adults

Considering the experience and good results in the vocational education system for people with disabilities, we could make innovating efforts to integrate the vulnerable groups in the labor market with support and under the leadership of “Manpower Employment Organization”. Developing our collaboration, building better connection with the Greek or European companies, those attempts may bring significant results. We would persuade them that our trainees are capable and accurate in their duties and brings hidden talents and gifts that should not be ignored. The further consideration is to create a frame of abilities and skills which we can be provided to local and European labour market. The statistics and data would be useful for employing the right person to the right position without borders and isolation. The Progress Assessment from start to finish could be important resource supporting the efforts of “Manpower Employment Organization” to integrate the vulnerable groups into the labour market. Designing and accomplishing the project we intend to use as pattern the good implementation of the good practice in National Star College UK.

4. Integration between the different specialities in the Athens School for Disabled People creating the designing project

Considering the professional integration between disabled people we plan to involve different classes in the design project implementation. The first step involves the graphic design project, the second group will transform the drawing into appropriate type, the third group will deal with printing and the final process consists of placing and pressing the original on textile surface.

The appropriate technology support and equipment for projects realization
1. Executive specialists

To organize and to materialize the projects is absolutely necessary to have the experienced team of specialists with high qualifications and large technological education and knowledge in programming, building nets and eternal bridges.  They should design and build the different programs according to our specialities and to establish them. The second step of projects’ realization is the requalification of the trainers, who should deal with the application programs. The trainers should obtain the knowledge and experience concerning the operation and managing the practical process.

To organize and to materialize the projects is absolutely necessary to have the experienced team of specialists with high qualifications and large technological education and knowledge in programming, building nets and eternal bridges.

The duration of the course can be at about 30 hours organized by the team of specialists (TS). The TS should support regularly the technical part of the project and the software.

2. Equipment

To accomplish the project except the good organization and integration between the trainees, trainers and the TS needs the appropriate equipment: PCs with installed programs, net connection between the working places, printers, scanners, iPads, cameras in every workplace, and powerful internet support with wi-fi access.



“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”


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Sarris Panagiotis

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."