Jussi Väänänen, Sanna Hakanpää and Jarno P
Learning and Consulting Centre Vatericommunication, participation, reader, selfconfidece, claroread
Students with special educational needs use a full range of assistive technology. With students who have difficulties with expressing themselves one needs assistive technology in communication. Valteri school student Jarno uses ClaroRead, multi-sensory software for supporting reading and writing in this purpose. He has a lot of issues in controlling his motoric movements. The speech is hard to understand, and writing is slow. When Jarno has the time he likes to use the programme beforehand and let the computer talk for himself.
He tells that with this software he can make himself heard, can participate with others and increase his self-confidence. Especially he feels ClaroRead could be helpful for people who can write well but has problems with understandable speech.
Jarno’s opinion is that ClaroRead is easy to use and you don’t need any special computer skills to use it. Jarno uses it to write and ”speak” in Finnish and English. Sometimes, as computers do, the software does not work well.
In your daily living, you can write, for example with Microsoft WORD, sentences that you need with other people and use them. Then it is faster if you have difficulties with writing.
Technological devises and solutions for communication should build up always individually for a student with cooperation with technical and communication specialist. In this case, Jarno needs (laptop computer, ClaroRead program, individual mouse and keyboard.
ClaroRead program is a multisensory software solution for supporting reading and writing. Its designed with simplicity and flexibility for all ages and abilities
Jarno using Claro Read program in English lesson
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"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."